The town of Lithgow has been reliant on the mining industry for over 150 years but increasingly is looking to transition away from fossil fuels and into a sustainable future.

The industry, which began in the late 1860s, has flourished on the natural resources in the area and is still a primary employer within the community.

However, as with many mining communities across Australia, this small town just beyond the Blue Mountains has experienced a decline over the past decade with only three mines remaining operational in the area.

With the world set on a sustainable energy future and the coal-fired power stations confirming their expiry dates, council, community, and industry have come together to work towards the inevitable transition towards more sustainable sources of energy and employment.

Lithgow has been recognised as an area with great potential to be a hub for renewable energy. Private companies have acknowledged the town’s potential as renewable energy projects are beginning to appear within the community.

However, Lithgow is still campaigning for the town to be recognised on a larger scale. Despite the town’s clear potential, it has been overlooked by the NSW government and was not recognised as a renewable energy zone.


Main photo by Ebony Seymour