While gambling may be a culturally engrained norm in Australia, finding yourself in serious debt from betting is often shrouded in stigma and shame.

For those who suffer heavy losses, it can be this humiliation and inability to reach out for help that leads them to consider the most serious form of self-harm – suicide.

As a growing number of casinos are having their licences revoked for not looking after their vulnerable customers, calls for reform in the gambling sector are growing louder.

Industry experts say working towards a de-stigmatisation of being in gambling debt and seeking support can not only help understand the link between gambling and suicide ideation, it can also help prevent it in the first place.

If you require advice on gambling addiction or mental health please contact one of the following services for help:

Lifeline: 13 11 14

Beyond Blue: 1300 224 636

Main image of Paul Fung supplied and AisforAmy91/Flickr.