As the weeks go by and social distancing restrictions cautiously ease, Sydney’s CBD is slowly springing back to life. In his latest photographic series for Central News, Mark Kriedemann captures a city finally on the move.

The George Street trams are carrying more passengers than they've seen in months.

No queues, but nine to five workers are back to waiting for the tram ride home.

Re-opened stores tempt shoppers and other passers-by.

Some workers opt for the walk to the Central Station trains.

Pedestrians march past the QVB on their way to Town Hall.

At 10 to five, the lines of city workers are only just beginning to build.

Crowds mill about Pitt Street for late night shopping.

Foot traffic is building along the Pitt Street Mall

Customers search store displays for winter necessities.

By 6pm, workers and shoppers make their way along Pitt Street Mall as they head for home.

Locals and tourists alike return to iconic city spots for evening walks.

Sydney traffic is also back, with vehicles again surging into the CBD.

The Cahill Expressway carries a small army of workers to their northern suburbs homes.

Workers grab dinner at recently reopened restaurants before heading home for the weekend.

The walkways by the Sydney Opera House, so long quieted - now, alive.